Red List Data of Dhala Endangered Plants Dhala Governorate, Yemen

Red List Data of Dhala Endangered Plants Dhala Governorate, Yemen


  • Ahmed Mohamed Moqubel Al-Super Biology Department, Faculty of Education, Aden University


Endamic, Near Endamlc, Endangered, Vulnera


This study deals with the endemic and near endemic of Dhalaa endangered plants, Republic of Yemen. The study area lies between, 44:28:00 to 45:9:30 of the east longitude and 13:31:30 to 14:12:30 of the North Latitude. This investigation was carried out during November 2019 to December 2020.  Through daily and weekly field trips to nearby areas and monthly to far areas.

Recording 60 plant species endemic and near endemic belonging to 41 genera, follows 23 Family plants, there are 60 endemic species among them 23 species are endemic to the flora of Yemen, while the rest 37 Species are near endemic to the flora of Yemen.

And recording 15 plant Species non - endamic and endangered plants, belonging to 13 genera, follows 13 Family plants. The most common Families were :

Asclepiadaceae (14 species and 8genera ), Lamiaceae (7 species and 6 genera ), Aloeceae  (7species and 1genera ), Euphorbiaceae (5 species and 2genera), Asteraceae (4 species and4genera), Acanthaceae (4 species and 1genera), Fabaceae (3 species and 3 genera).

The greatest genera recorded were: Aloe (7 species), Caralluma (6 species), Barleria, Euphorbia (4 species for each), Cerapegia, plectranthus (2 species for each). The present results obtained, it was found that the study area contains many endemic  and near endemic  plants in Yemen, and needs great attention and special care to preserve it and protect it  from danger and extinction



How to Cite

Ahmed Mohamed Moqubel Al-Super. (2023). Red List Data of Dhala Endangered Plants Dhala Governorate, Yemen. Journal of the Faculties of Education - University of Aden, 17(2), 502–515. Retrieved from


