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Author Guidelines

Journal Publishing Rules:

  • The material sent for publication should be original, with additional cognitive and scientific value, and written in academic language documented clearly with appropriate referencing.
  • The material must not be already published, accepted or rejected for publication in other journals. The researcher undertakes that by filling out a deposit form suggested by the journal.
  • The research should be assessed by a specialized referee before accepting it for publication and it becomes the journals' property, and the researcher does not have the right to withdraw the priorities in the case of rejecting to publish the research.
  • The language of publication is Arabic or English. An abstract, not more than 250 words in both Arabic and English languages, should be presented to the management of the journal and followed by not more than seven keywords.

Submission of Research for Publication

First, the publication material should be submitted to the Editor-in-Chief of the journal via the e-mail of the journal or by submitting three hard copies including one copy with the name of the researcher (or researchers), his address, reference and phone number, while the names of the researchers or any indication to their identity should be omitted in the two other copies. The copy should be a computer typed in Times New Roman, font 14 point is required, on one face of paper sized (A4: 292×210 mm), while a space of 3 cm should be left on the four sides of the paper. the number of pages of the whole research must not exceed thirty-five pages (in case the number of the pages exceeds 35, an amount of 500 Yemeni Riyals should be paid for each page). Numbering of pages should be at the bottom center of the page and typing the research should be compatible with (Microsoft Word) at least 2007, with single spacing including tables, figures, and references saved on a CD as a WORD file, or sent to the journal's e-mail.

Second, the publication material is submitted with a written undertaking confirming that the research has not been published, submitted or has been rejected by another journal. The researcher is also responsible for the approval of the other researchers participating in the research (The form of publication request is attached).

Next, the Editorial Board of the Journal has the right to return the research to improve its wording and language or to make any modifications including deletion or addition according to the research methodology and conditions of publication in the journal.

Then, the journal is committed to notify the research submitter of the initial acceptance or rejection within a week of receiving the research and notify the submitter about accepting or rejecting the research directly after judging, in not later than two months.

Later, the research submitted for publication is sent in complete confidentiality to specialized referees in the same field of specialization, and the researcher/s is notified with referees’ comments and suggestions for any modification to the material to be in line with the terms of publication in the journal.

Finally, the research is considered acceptable for publication in the journal in case the referees accept the research after making the required modifications and accepting them. If the referees reject the research with logical scientific justifications satisfied the Editorial Board of the Journal, the research will not be accepted for publication.

Rules for Preparing the Manuscript for Publication:

First, Format of the research manuscript:

The manuscript of the research requires being in the following order:

The title, abstract in both languages (Arabic and English), introduction, research materials and methods, findings and discussion, acknowledgements and finally the scientific references.


The research should be brief, clear, and expressive of the content of the research. The font of the title is bold and 14 point in size. The name of the researcher/s is written below the title in single spaced line, bold 12 point in size with the reference (the scientific institution in which the researcher/s works in) as well as, the email of the first researcher, and the mobile number in size 12 point normal. The research title must be repeated again in English on the page that includes the abstract. Abstract. Sub-headings must be bold, 14 point in size, while the text font is normal 14 in size.


The abstract must not exceed 250 words and should be preceded by the title. The abstract should be typed on a separate page in Arabic and another in English. It should include the objectives of the study, a brief summary of the research methodology of research, the findings of the research as well as its significance for the researcher and the conclusion reached by the researcher. All this, should be followed by not more than seven keywords.


It includes a brief summary of the topic of the research and the previous studies of the research subject, including recent information, the research problem, and the purpose (the major intent) for which the research is conducted.

Research Methodology

All necessary information about the research methodology should be stated and supported by ample recent references. Metric and international units of measurement is used in the research as well as mentioning the statistical program and the statistical method used in data analysis, and the definition of symbols, abbreviations and statistical signs used for comparison.

Findings and Discussion:

Findings may be presented separately from the discussion or combined with it. The findings must be presented accurately and must be supported by statistics. Figures, tables and graphs must provide ample and sufficient information without repeating them in the body of the research and numbered as mentioned in the body of the research. The scientific significance of the findings must be indicated, discussed and supported by recent references. The discussion includes the interpretation of obtaining the findings through relevant facts and initial principles, and showing the extent of agreement or lack thereof with previous studies with the personal interpretation of the researcher, and his opinion on concluding these findings.


The researcher mentions the conclusion that he reached at the end of the discussion, along with mentioning the recommendations and suggestions in case of need.

Acknowledgements (If Necessary)

The researcher(s) may mention the financial and scientific supporters, as well as, the people who contributed to the research but not listed as co-researchers.

Next, Tables:

Each table is put in its place, no matter how small it is and each table must be identified by a serial number, the number and caption must be typed above the table. The symbols (*, **, ***) are functioning to indicate the statistical significance loading at the levels of (0.001, 0. 01, 0.05) respectively. These symbols are not used to refer to any footnote or note in any of the margins of the research.

The journal recommends the use of Arabic numerals (1, 2, 3, 4...) in the tables and in the body of the text, wherever they appear.

Then, Shapes, Graphics and Images:

It is necessary to avoid the repetition of figures that derive their content from the data contained in the approved tables, and only use numerical data in the tables or graphically, with emphasis on preparing the figures, graphic curves and drawings in their final form with its appropriate scale. It should be clear and scanned with a resolution of 300 pixels / inch. The shapes or images shown must be of sufficient color contrast, and a special description is given for each shape or image below with serial numbers.

Finally, References:

The journal follows the method of mentioning the name of the author and the year of publication within the text, starting from right to left whatever the reference is. For example, Wajd Bawazir and Al-Hushbi (1990), and Arnold and Joger (1991). Many studies indicated that .... (Sadaqa, 2001, Hunter and John, 2005, Sabaa et al., 2011) It is not necessary to give references serial numbers. In references list, when writing Arabic references, the author’s surname must be written, then the first name in full. In case the reference is for more than one author, the names of all authors must be written in the aforementioned manner. In case the reference is not Arabic, it should be written as follows:

the author’s surname, initials, year of publication (in brackets), title of article, name of journal (in italics), volume number, issue number and page numbers., taking into account the provisions of punctuation according to the following examples:

بسيس، سالم محفوظ؛ المالكي، عبدالعزيز حسن وغزواني، ابراهيم حسين (2020). الحيّات السامة وعضات الحيات في منطقة جازان- المملكة العربية السعودية. مجلة جامعة الملك عبدالعزيز للعلوم. 32(2): 51-58.

Smith, J., Merilan, M.R.; and Fakher, N.S. (1996). Factors affecting milk production in Awassi sheep. J. Animal Production. 12(3): 35-46.

In case the reference is a book, the author’s surname is written, then initial of his first name (and in case, if the reference is non-Arabic, then the family name is written first, then the first letter or initials of his name is mentioned), the year in brackets, the title of the book. Edition, place of publication, publisher and the page number is as follows:

Busais, Salem (2017). Taxonomy and Molecular Phylogeny of Hemidactylus in Yemen, Class: Reptilia, Order: Squamata, Family: Gekkonidae. Südwestdeutscher Verlag für Hochschulschriften. PP:  186.

If it is a research or a chapter of a specialized book, and the same is the case with regard to facts (proceedings, scientific symposia and conferences), the name of the researcher or author (researchers or authors) and the year are mentioned in parentheses. Chapter title, title of the book, name or names of the editors, place or entity Publication and page number according to the following example:

Anderson, R.M. (1998). Epidemiology of Parasitic Infections. In : Topley and Wilsons Infections. Collier، L., Balows, A., and Jassman، M., (Eds.), Vol.5, 9th ed. Arnold a Member of the Hodder Group, London, PP: 39-55

If the reference is a master's thesis or doctoral thesis, it should be write according to the following example:

Kashifalkitaa, H.F. (2008). Effect of Bromocriptine and Dexamethasone Administration on Semen Characteristics and Certain Hormones in Local Male Goats. PhD Thesis, College of Veterinary Medicine, University of Baghdad, PP: 501.

Instructions to Follow:

  • Arabic references are arranged first, then the foreign references (each separately) according to the alphabetical order (أ، ب، ت) or (A, B, C) without considering the definite article ‘the’ when arranging.
  • If there is more than one reference to the same author, references will be arranged chronologically, oldest to newest, and if the author’s name is repeated more than once in the same year, it is indicated after the year by the letters a, b, c as (2014) a or (2014)b… etc.
  • Appropriate referencing must be listed to all quotations in the text and any other references that are not quoted in the main text must be avoided.
  • The researcher must stick firmly to the ethics of scientific publishing and avoid plagiarism by adhering to referencing procedures.

Research judging, Modification or Rejection:

In case the research is rejected by the referees. Thus, research will not be published at all, only the referees' fees are deducted. In case the research is accepted with modifications, the researcher is given one month to reconsider referees’ remarks, or what the editorial board requests in terms of modifications. If the research manuscript is not submitted back within this period or the researcher does not respond, the research will be rejected and the referees' fees are only deducted with the possibility of submitting it again to the journal as a new research, and the editorial board is not committed to publish researches unless they ready for publishing.

Journal Title:

The copies of the scientific materials can be submitted directly to the journal's Editorial Department at the following address:

Faculty of Education, University of Aden, Aden, Khormaksar Post. Box: 6014, Tel: +9672468 236. Republic of Yemen.

Republic of Yemen, University of Aden, Faculty of Education/Aden,

                              Tel.: +9672236468

Email Address:


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