Multitude Marriage in Islam and Society Insight to It in City Dhala - Yemen

Multitude Marriage in Islam and Society Insight to It in City Dhala - Yemen


  • Abdullah Mokbel Ali Saleh Faculty of Education - Al-Dhala, University of Aden


Multitude Marriage, Islam and Society Insight, City Dhala, Yemen


This study aims to know the society point of view to the multiple marriage; because a lot of the society members still look to this marriage irrational, moreover some of them regard it as dignity waste of a woman. All these things happen as a result of other cultures. We see as a result of this bad point of view, there are huge numbers of spinsters (unmarried women), divorced and widows. Therefore the researcher has designed a questionnaire consists of two patterns, one for men and the other for women. And each one contains a group of closed questions. At the same time these questions for males are different from those for females according to their natures. The researcher has chosen a random sample of Dhala city in Dhala Governorate. In which the qualified population for the study nearly reached (3000-4000). The number of male questions nares were nearly (140) while the female ones were approximately (150) form. After questionnaire analysis using the repletion and percentage, the study concluded many good social results in which has shown more about this marriage. In addition to that knowing agreements and dis agreements reasons for this. The researcher pointed to the legal ate evidences for multiple from the Holy Quran and Sonnats as will. Moreover, there was a historical reference for the previous nations and religions about Multitude marriage and at the sometime some advantages and dis advantages about this subject has been shown.



How to Cite

Saleh, A. M. A. (2024). Multitude Marriage in Islam and Society Insight to It in City Dhala - Yemen. Journal of the Faculties of Education - University of Aden, 18(1), 138–162. Retrieved from


