On Generalized BP-Recurrent Finsler Space of The Third Order

On Generalized BP-Recurrent Finsler Space of The Third Order


  • Amani Mohammed Abdullah Hanbala Dept. of Maths., Community college - Aden
  • Adel Mohammed Ali Al-Qashbari Dept. of Maths., Faculty of Educ.-Aden Univ. of Aden


Cartan’s second curvature tensor, Generalized BP-trirecurrent space, Berwald’s covariant derivative of third order


In this paper, we introduce a Finsler space which Cartan's second curvature tensor \(P_{jkh}^i\) satisfies the generalized trirecurrent property in sense of Berwald's, this space characterized by the following condition
\(B_n B_m B_l P_{jkh}^i = a_{lmn} P_{jkh}^i + b_{lmn} (δ_h^i g_jk - δ_k^i g_{jh})- 2 c_{lm} B_r (δ_h^i C_{jkn} - δ_k^i C_{jhn}) y^r\)
\( - 2 d_{ln} B_r (δ_h^i C_{jkm} - δ_k^i C_{jhm}) y^r - 2 μ_l B_n B_r (δ_h^i C_{jkm} - δ_k^i C_{jhm}) y^r, P_{jkh}^i ≠ 0\),
Where Bn Bm Bl  is Berwald's covariant differential operator of third order with respect to xl , xm and xn , successively. Br is Berwald's covariant differential operator of first order with respect to xr, \(a_{lmn}\) and \(b_{lmn}\) are non-zero covariant tensor fields of third order, \(c_{lm}\) and \(d_{ln}\) are non-zero covariant tensor fields of second order, μ is non-zero covariant vector fields and \(C_{jkn} \) is (h)-torsion tensor, such space is called as a generalized Ph- trirecurrent Finsler space and we denote by GBP-TIR-RFn . we obtained the necessary and sufficient condition for some tensors to be generalized trirecurrent space.




How to Cite

Hanbala, A. M. A., & Al-Qashbari, A. M. A. (2023). On Generalized BP-Recurrent Finsler Space of The Third Order. Journal of the Faculties of Education - University of Aden, 17(1), 316–325. Retrieved from https://jef.adenuniv.net/index.php/jef/article/view/19


